Friday, September 26, 2008

Blind in One Eye... Can't See Out the Other

I tore the no-name waterfall down today and looked closely for a hole in the liner.... saw nothing.

So I raised the liner as much as it would allow and filled the pond immediately before the waterfall to check if possibly the leak was in the 2 or 3 inches above the current waterline... Saw nothing.

Maybe I have a black hole in my pond. The intense gravity is pulling in the light waves so it is invisible to mere mortals... maybe not.

So I filled the bridge pond once again (using water from the skimmer pond) to see if magic has happened and the hole that was under a waterfall has moved to the bridge pond. When I checked the bridge pond for leaks I only let it sit for 2 or 3 hours. This time I'll let it sit all night.

Irks me that I didn't find a leak under the no-name waterfall.

I'll be back at it in the morning...

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