Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Treasures Left Behind

For some folks Labor Day marks the end of summer, the beginning of fall. The first snow means winter has arrived regardless of the date. Break out the skis or ice skates or both. Try and figure out why you never got around to sending that jacket to the cleaners... maybe when it warms up.

For me I don't bother with calendars. I don't ski or skate anymore. I also don't need the weatherman to tell me when winter has arrived. I know by the smell in my house. It isn't a bad smell and it doesn't last long. It's that smell the furnace emits when first fired up after a long spring, summer and fall. All the dust, and probably stuff I don't want to know, that has settled on the furnace burners is consumed by the gas flames and blown throughout the house.

Sniff. Yep, winter's here. I can smell it.

So the leaves are turning and falling. It's a pretty time of year me thinks. It is now cool enough to do things without drenching my t-shirt in sweat.

Today I was picking leaves out of the pond. I found a mini-cove where leaves had collected and was removing them when I came across a treasure that I would like to think Joe left for me. Tangled in the leaves was a mouse. By the looks of it I have to assume that Joe gave it a taste and for whatever reason rejected the meal. So she left it for me.

Wait a second. Now that I think about it maybe Joe put that mouse there for a snack at a later date. Kinda like when the squirrels bury nuts for the winter. Yea, that's probably what's going on. That green eat'n machine was just planning ahead with a mouse stash in a little corner of her pond. Isn't that sweet.

So once again I have to apologize to Joe... Sorry Joe, I tossed your stash.

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