Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Where Did Joe Really Go?

So your not happy with the little story about Joe versus the Cajun? Well rest easy, no Cajun folk around here. People are asking where Joe went. Still in my yard? Moved to better digs?

The short answer is: I don't know.

My best and thought about guess is: Joe went underground. I've been thinking for a while now that she was into some cover-up having to do with the now defunct mortgage market. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, she was the head honcho at either Fanny Mae or Freddy Mac.... I can't remember which one. Of course she had to go and I would think it logical to go underground in consideration of all the negative things being said about those institutions.

You don't think that's it huh? OK, I've covered this in previous posts like Joe has a Balloon & More Frog Facts. I'll briefly speak to it again.

When it gets cold frogs, being cold blooded creatures, enter into a torpor. This is similar to hibernation but more like a dormancy. Bull frogs usually bury themselves in the mud and muck in the bottom of a pond or lake. They will remain there all winter emerging in late spring. Bull frogs can "breath" through their skin. Between that amazing fact and that their metabolism is super slow in their state of torpidity, they have no problem spending winter under water. I have read where bull frogs have been found in ground depressions covered by leaves. My pond guru said he is always finding dormant frogs in the spring when he is out working on ponds helping them emerge from their winter sleep.

So is Joe on the bottom of one of my ponds? Possibly, but it would have to be the skimmer pond as that is the only one that didn't get drained. She could be in a storm drain. She may have moved to one of the irrigation canals that we have all over Grand Junction and buried herself in the muddy bottom.

The truth is I don't know where she came from and I don't know where she went. I do know it was fun having her around and I miss the daily drama.

I'm sure we will have frogs again this coming spring. The Woodhouse Toads followed by Joe or a Joe-look-alike. I hope so anyway.

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