Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Black Female ~ Green Male

Once again it is time for your humble Frog Blogger to fall on his already bloody sword.

On May 16, 2009 I was telling it wrong when I posted the toad pictured to the left stating that was the Mama Toad. It ain't so my friends. I am certain that the green hued toad is the male.

If you have been following this blog from the beginning you know the female is always larger than the male... in the frog/toad world anyway. When I saw the pictured toad he was pretty large to my spring time eyes thus I thought he was, in fact, a she.
Then I saw the black female pictured to right (can't say as I ever saw a black toad before). She was sunning herself on the rocks and as soon as I saw her I realized my mistake. She is truely a very large toad. Although not as large as Joe. I suspect this isn't her first year on this earth.

Note the sagging belly just in front of her hind leg. She must have been swollen with all those eggs that just hatched.

You would think that I would know better as this is the second year for the Frog Blog. I have no believeable excuses for getting it wrong. You just can't get any decent help now days

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