Monday, May 4, 2009

Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum... I smell the blood of a Woodhouse Toad!

It was August 14, 2008 when I first mentioned the Woodhouse Toads in this very Frog Blog.  August 14 was my first post in the Frog Blog and I said at that time, "The noisy Woodhouse Toads that were visiting this spring have moved on."  Well, they're back and I'm having a deja-vu event as I write this.  It's about 10:45 PM and they started "singing" about an hour ago.  So far there are only a couple but there will be more. 

If this year is going to be a repeat of last year then I believe the racket these Woodhouse guys may well attract not only mates but also predators.  Predators like Joe.... maybe. 

It's still too early for Joe to make an appearance.  It was August last year before she became an item.  I expect she will be up and about earlier this year because the winter was so mild, just not this early.  I still keep watching for her though and will be disappointed if she doesn't return....

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