Sunday, June 21, 2009

Summer Solstice & Fathers Day

Summer Solstice & Fathers Day on the same day. The solstice is celebrated all over the place. In many circles it is considered a "pagan" holiday. I don't know about that but for the folks living at the greater longitude like Alaska and Siberia and points north will experience very long days and short nights. Now the days will begin to get shorter until we reach the winter solstice in December. This 'ol world just keeps rock'n along.

I've decided the best thing that a father can get for Fathers Day is a hug or an "I love you," or both from any of his kids or grand kids. Don't need that new tool or BBQ or computer game. Just a hug. Just an "I love you." What could be better than that?

Not a lot of news in the frog, toad or pond arena. Joe was hunting this morning and did get breakfast. I have slowed my reporting of her hunting successes as it can get redundant. She has perfected her hunting style and pretty much does the same thing. It's when she misses that it gets interesting and sometimes comical.

The drama is still there but your ever so humble author isn't talented enough to relate that drama to this blog.

So happy Fathers Day to all you Dad's out there. I hope you get your love hug. May the sun shine on you and warm your spirit.

1 comment:

  1. The summer soltice! Thanks for reminding me and I'm flashing back to the science museum where the sun map showed fairly even "vertical" sun for all of the world instead of curved. Have a hug and kiss and an I Love You from me. XXOO. J-9
