Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Toadpoles Hatched ~ Ma & Pa Woody's Missing

Yesterday, Monday June 15, 2009: It's official, the second batch of Woodhouse's Toad eggs has hatched.  As of the afternoon they are free swimming and able to move about the pond.  Compared to their month old cousins they are tiny. 

So 2 batches hatched and 1 batch to go.  The third batch should be along about Wednesday or Thursday.

Again Monday night the pond was quiet.  No Woody's singing their off key songs.  No more wooing and courting the Big Mama Toad.  It is probably a good thing they aren't laying more eggs in the pond.  While interesting to watch I doubt if the pond can support all the toadpoles, current and pre-hatched.

I've watched closely for signs of predation by Joe and the older toadpoles.  I've seen nothing that would indicate that is happening.... so far.  I see the toadpoles swimming around Joe like she was a magnet to them.  Joe of aloof and pays them no mind.  I see the older toadpoles resting, the small newly hatched swimming around them and like Joe they ignore them.

The picture to the right is the third batch of future toadpoles.  The eggs are still round but will become oblong as they mature.  Once they hatch everything disappears except, hopefully, the new toadlets.


  1. How many tadpoles do you estimate there to be from the first batch? What percent actually have made it so far?

  2. I answered the question above in this post.

    Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment:-)
