Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Lone Survivor?

 Ginger was watering plants Tuesday afternoon and noticed a very small toad trying to escape the stream of water.  It had been sitting on some ground cover.  She came and got me.  I grabbed my camera and headed out to the backyard but the little guy had disappeared.  I've looked a couple of times since then but so far haven't found him.  I want to document this LIVE one with a picture.

It seems to me that if one survived there is a good possibility that there are more. Ginger said it was pretty small so a whole plethora of 'em could easily be missed if your not looking at 'em.

While looking for the ex-toadpole I noticed an ant hauling a spider over the rocks.  Then there was the little black bug zooming in and out of the rocks.  I also saw a wasp like insect that was purple... kinda pretty.  It would appear there are things going on in the mini world that I don't notice very often. 

When I lived in Texas (1995 - 2004) we had a bunch of tropical creatures living around us.  One of my favorites was the little green Anole.  This little lizard reminded me of one of those little dogs that thinks it's a bull-mastiff or something.  They were pretty brave and would take on bugs that I thought were too big for them to eat.  One day I set a bucket next to the garden and just watched.  Pretty soon I noticed an Anole here and another there.  Actually there were a whole bunch of them but for some reason you have to sit and watch before they are visible.  They were eat'n insects left and right.  I couldn't believe the amount they ate.  I hope these toads are just as ravenous and successful in finding food.

Your probably not surprised the squirrel has not returned.  I'm not.  Also interesting is we haven't see the gang of hummers that were here on Monday.  Just passing through I guess.

Some good news on the toad front.  Woody's live!!!!

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