Thursday, July 2, 2009

More Disappearances From the Pond

  • Anomaly is defined as:  Deviation or departure from the normal or common order, form, or rule.
  • Omen is defined as: A phenomenon supposed to portend good or evil; a prophetic sign.
I actually do have a friend.  Well, actually I have a number of friends.  The friend I'm writing about is who I call "Over the Hill Teri."  It isn't that she is superannuated, it's that she lives over the hill from me.  Anyway, Over the Hill Teri emailed me and asked when I was going to post some pictures of the toadlets gams.  I thought for a long time about some smarty-pants response.  At the end of this "long time" I gave it up and went in search of toadlets with gams.

The short story goes like this: Do you see a picture of toadlets with gams? 

The longer story is: I grabbed my camera and net and set about the hunt.  Remembering how easy they were to spook when I tried to catch one just 10 days ago I was careful to approach the pond so no shadows would darken their path.

I closed in on the pond via the Mulberry Tree.  Peeking around the edge of the tree, ignoring the mosquitoes that love my body, I searched for the dark shapes resting on rocks.  Hmmmm, just little toadlets from Batch II or III.  So with the utmost care I moved toward the skimmer pond.  Nothing but more of the Batch III or II guys.

I gave up on the stealth and just started looking for a good sized toadlet.

There are no Batch I toadlets in the pond!

Having been recently spooked just by rehashing old bejesus sucking movies like The Exorcist and Omen and considering the events leading to these revelations, I now add the disappearance of the Batch I toadlets!

So is this an Anomaly?  Is this an Omen?  Did you bring your dog inside to sleep in your bedroom last night?  I know, I know... you probably think these little creatures actually grew legs, developed lungs, and began their trek for a better life... a natural thing you might say. 

Maybe your right but it seems pretty odd to this 'Ol Blogger.  A disappearing dead bird.  Joe disappears.  Toadlets dead and on their way to the skimmer.  Now, not just one or two toadlets disappear... the whole batch is gone! 

 I'm sorry Over the Hill Teri.  I couldn't find any toadlets with gams.  I'll watch closely with Batch II/III to end the speculation about what is going on in my backyard be it Omen (the evil kind) or Anomaly or none of that nonsense.... unless whatever it is takes me too...

Did I tell you I was going to name my dog Whoohoo?  Of course...


  1. What goes on in your backyard at night? Do you have visitors with a need for wet food? Hmmm...time for a campout. How brave are you? EEEK! J9

  2. I think we pretty much defined "how brave I am!"

    I'm very brave when my dog is watching over me. Since Whoohoo doesn't exist....
