Monday, August 10, 2009

Frogs in the Family...

My daughter lives in the mountains northwest of Ft. Collins, Colorado with her husband and 2 sons.  Of course she is an avid reader of the Frog Blog to the point of grump'n at me if I'm slow to follow-up on a post.  So whatever it is that got me going about Joe, Woody and et Alia I guess has genetic origins.

She sent me this picture:

You can click on the picture to view the original sized picture.

They scouted around their home and captured about 45 of these little guys.  We think they are Boreal Chorus Frogs.

Here is a closeup of the frogs highlighted by the bottom of the pan.

Cute little guys don't you think? 

The Boreal Chorus Frogs  can be found around permanent water bodies in cleared land and forest. Males make a "reeeek" call from grasses, vegetation or just hang'n around on the ground near their water homes from April through to September. Unlike most amphibians, the boreal has a soft croak instead of a loud one like their noisy cousins. This frog is normally one of the first amphibian to emerge in spring, it is often found while snow and ice are still present.

The Boreal Chorus Frog is technically know as Pseudacris Maculata.  It is a species of chorus frog native to Canada from the west of Lake Superior to western Alberta and north to the North West Territories. It occurs in the USA throughout Montana, northwestern Wisconsin, northeastern Arizona, northern New Mexico and southwestern Utah.  Did I leave out Colorado?  I wonder if they are also in Wyoming?

So here is a word to the wise.  If you plan on stop'n by either my place or my daughters you best have had your Frog Blog inoculation or you too may start hunt'n for frogs in your yard or down by the lake.  You can take that piece of information to the bank!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for including me in your blog and also for all that great info about the little ribbits. Janine
