Friday, August 14, 2009

Happy Anniversary #1

Today is our 1 Year Anniversary for this Frog Blog!

Over the course of the last 365 days I've published over 100 blog entries.  I've become eligible to apply for social security.  Named the ponds... Skimmer, Joe's Pond, Bridge Pond, No-name Pond.  Had visits by my son and daughter and my grandkids.  Drained the pond... a couple of times... once on purpose.  Got the wall to wall carpet cleaned.  Installed a wood floor in my computer room.  Painted the walls too.  I've observed a plethora of different bird visits including raptors of various varieties.  Shoveled snow.  Watched it hail.  Fed about 200 pounds of seed to our fine feathered friends.  Watched 3 batches of Woodhouse's Toads hatch only to have most die overnight.  Put about 7000 miles on my truck.  Put about 2 miles on my wheelbarrow.  We found 2 snake skins in the yard.  Discovered Joe the bird eating bull frog.  Had my 26th wedding anniversary.  Welcomed Joe back this past spring.  Rebuilt 3 waterfalls while learning the joys of "yucky pucky."  Wondered about Joe vanishing in June.  Planted 4 new trees.  Discovered toadlets that had grown into baby toads.  Chased rabbits from the yard.  Found a leak in the pond.  I've made 8 slide shows.  Witnessed an unusual amount of rain. Bought a new car for my wife.  Pulled string algae from the bridge pond.  Installed 2 new pond pumps or had 2 pumps quit which ever way you want to look at it.  Started the fake rock project... the ongoing fake rock project.  Named the waterfalls... Bio-Falls, No-name Falls, Humpty Dumpty Falls and Joe's Station.  Installed some fence on the side of the house.  Saved a trapped toad and also a trapped Joe.  Built shelves in the closet.  Saw a squirrel try to jump the pond.  Started a new web site.  Bought a savings bond.  Used almost 5 pounds of sugar feeding humming birds.  Built a pot trellis.  Started my Slide Show web site.  Keep discovering baby toads... they are alive too!

There is more but I'm probably losing my audience...

Happy Anniversary y'all...


  1. Isn't it a relief to know you've done something in the last year? What if you had nothing to talk about and all you did was sit on your hiney? Whew! It's nice to have personal satisfaction and pride, not to mention a purpose. Thanks for the Frog Blog! I've really enjoyed reading your perceptions and observations. Love ya! Janine

  2. Jim, Congrats on all of those anniversaries and "things done" I do so love to stay up-to-date with the GJ goings on. OTH Teri
