Thursday, September 3, 2009

September Already

The older I get the faster it goes.  It, in this case is, of course, time.  The one resource that is not renewable... ever.

Apparently the cute baby toads have moved on as we haven't seen them for quite a while now.  Joe is definitely somewhere I'm not... where ever that is.  She was fun to watch and sure gave me enough to keep my interest in this here blog. 

I still have a great time watching the circus every morning and I'm anticipating a few more raptors to come by as the weather continues to slowly cool. 

Under the Mulberry Tree I'm starting to get enough yellow leaves to make it worth my while to clean them up.  It's either pick them off the ground or clean them from the pond and skimmer.  I can tell you from experience the ground is easier.

Ginger is harvesting seeds from the annuals that are starting into the last phase of their life. 

Just when you think everything is dying back you come across the tomatoes that were planted this past spring.  We have been enjoying tomatoes for about 6 weeks now and from the looks of it the crop is about to "come it" and we will be swamped with 'em.  I love tomatoes and will enjoy them everyday with my dinner and eat the cherry tomatoes (regrowth from last year) for snacks.

In another 4 weeks the aspen trees will be shown on the news and we will hear about snow in the high mountains. 

Summer is giving way to fall and it's fun to be a part of it.  Labor day soon, Halloween before you know it. 

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