Sunday, February 28, 2010

Here Spring... come on girl, come here....
Hector Lives Again

January and it's freezing cold is history... at least for another 11 months or so. January is normally the coldest month of the year but this year that honor was bestowed on December. Not to say January wasn't cold; I'm just saying it was colder in December this season.

Every year about this time I get all antsy for spring. I'm tired of snow. I'm tired of cold. I've got a bit of cabin fever. Maybe a quick trip to Bolongo Bay in the Virgin Islands would bolster my spirits as I await spring. Gee, if I didn't have fantasies my life would be so boring!

The temperature today is currently at 42 degrees which is the warmest I've seen it so far this year. Since I can't stand being inside any longer I decided it was time to get Hector, our spitting frog, going after he froze to death in December. You can read about that here.

After he had frozen I closed the valve that allows water to his skinny lips.  I was hoping that by just turning on the water what ever was blocking the flow would be blown out or have melted.  No such luck... in fact, I found that the freezing water that was trapped in the plastic hose had caused pinholes to spontaneously appear.  It looked like one of those drip hoses.

What I had hoped would be a 10 minute project was becoming more like a 4 hour project.  Kinda like taking out the trash... maybe another time for that old story.  So off to the hardware store to secure 50 feet of tubing.  Five bucks and 1 hour later I'm home and ready to pull out the old holey hose and put in the new non-holey replacement.  NOT SO FAST Mr. Fixit!  The old hose is frozen in ice where the ground is shaded.  Get out the 20 pound persuader and have a serious discussion with this ice stuff.  It took about 90 minutes to get the old tubing out and the new in it's place.  WhooHoo!!!

I hooked up the tube and turned on the water!  Aw geez!  I guess I didn't get the new water tube properly inserted and water is squirting all over the place.  That included me!  Sure glad the temperature is in the 40's.   I turn the water off and fix that little oversight and clean the water from my glasses. 

ONE MORE TIME!  Water on.  Did Hector spit?  NO.. Nada... Nyet!  Water off.  The only thing I haven't replaced or seen water flowing was from Hector so I removed him from his pedestal and brought him inside for a serious examination.  This exam was conducted with a thin wire that I shoved down his throat.  I discovered a number of leaves stuck in his gullet and blocking the path between input to output.  This is probably why the whole system froze up in December.  Ya think?!?!?

After reinstalling Hector I turned on the water and once again all is right in the world of backyard ponds.

Hector as he was meant to be!

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