Friday, April 30, 2010

Today We're Froze

To think it was 80 degrees just 3 days ago.  Next day the wind blew.  Yesterday the snow fell.  Today it's freezing the bejesus out of our plants.  Let's recap; wind blew, snow fell, winter is back and it's cold...

With the prediction of a hard freeze we didn't just lay on the floor doing the kicking and screaming tantrum thing.  We drained the irrigation lines, we hauled in potted plants, we covered what we couldn't move inside.  We were even creative in the covering arena as Ginger used the trash cans to cover the large pots that are too heavy to move.  If this cold spell doesn't get over itself pretty fast I'll have to buy more trash cans so we'll have a place for trash.

I hope the plants aren't put off by the social impact on their impressionable minds by being plunged into darkness by a smelly trash can.  I can hear the plant whining now... "Mommy, Mommy, it's dark in here and it smells tooooo."  Mommy Nature replies, "Shut up plant or I'll cover you with snow and burn you with freezing cold!"  Meekly the plant replies, "OK Mommy, I'll be quiet... but it does smell a little." 

Plants, you just can't make 'em happy.  The Lord knows we try.  But bust your buns day in and day out and all the plants do is complain... it's too dark... it's smelly in this trash can... there are bugs eating parts of me... ow, you stepped on me... you expect me to grow in THAT?... I'm thirsty... it just goes on and on and on.  I don't know how much longer we can keep this up.

Just the other day I had to give annual a good talking to.  That plant will never grow up to be like his brother perennial.  I swear annual is the runt of the litter and probably will only live to be a year old or so... just doesn't have what it takes to be like his big brother perennial.  And who gives you all the grief and costs you the most money?  Yep, it's annual every time.  If I had a nickle for every time annual whined about something I'd be a rich man today.  You don't hear much from perennial... that plant is a role model for the whole garden.

So where was I?  Oh yea, it froze last night.  The official forecast low temperature was shoot'n for 27 which would beat the record of 28 for this date and that record was set in 1909 as in 99 years ago today.  How 'bout that plant fans.  The big freeze didn't happen.  As I've said before, we call the weather man the designated liar.  The actual and now official low was 31.  As is usual, it was a bit warmer at our place as we live on a hill so the cold doesn't settle around our ankles it just slides on down the hill into the depths of the valley.  Our low temperature at Red Tail Ridge was a balmy 34. 

We aren't put out by the "unevent" as a hard freeze this late in the spring will devastate the local cherry, peach, apricot and pineapple crops. 

Maybe it will get down to 27 tonight so the designated liar can feel redeemed.  Nah!



  1. Try this weather site and let me know if it's more accurate than your news. We've had good results using it. J9

  2. I'm glad you have two plants to compete with each other.. Now don't be to hard on the younger plant, They just need your extra support.. Us First borns always pick the best genes first. hahaha
    I'm here to give my sister support every chance I can. I Love her and you too..

  3. We didn't get the snow that you had, nor did we get quite as cold but we may float away with all the rain. In the mid 40's today but all the plants....annual and perennial are hanging tough. North Idaho and Western Colorado competing for the coldest weather, it sounds like a sports broadcast. meg
