Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Beauty... In the Eye of the Beholder

They are beautiful to me.   Of course I'm a bit prejudice since it was my idea to add some color.  OK, a lot prejudice.

I'm referring to the diamond shaped  "windows" with the stained glass panes (before you say it, yes, if turned 45 degrees they would be square windows).

When the sun shines upon them from the front or rear they will be even more beautiful, as if that's possible.  I realize, of course, that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I not only made these stunning works of art I am also the beholder of same. 

I'm not sure how I came about the idea of hanging some stained glass in the pergola.  I like the way it looks.



  1. You made them? Wow! You really are finding the hidden artist in yourself. Wonderful job- planters, color windows, flower pot holders... I can't wait to see what's next.

  2. Jim, Is it possible to take crafing lessons at your house? Those windows are truly amazing/beautiful. Now I am 3 projects behind. OTHTOW Teri

  3. OK, didn't know you were so creative.... hehe
