Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Toadpole 2010 Update

It was only a few days ago, Sunday to be specific, when we saw some tails sticking out of a few eggs.  They would swish back and forth and then rest.  From my perspective it appeared they were trying to get out of their egg.  On Monday we could see many individual tadpoles with more on the way.   Here it is Tuesday and ALL the eggs have hatched and there are hundreds if not a thousand of these little toadpoles hang'n around their birth-rock.  It seems to take them a couple of days to get going as they haven't strayed very far from home.  I assume they are still developing and figuring out how they are going to eat all that algae in the pond.  They can have it all as far as I'm concerned.

I took some pictures to give y'all a better idea of what is happening in a toadlets world.  Their length is approximately an eighth of an inch from the tip of their nose to the end of their tail.  In a few days they will have dispersed throughout the ponds.  If you go to last years posts about the toadlets you'll find that they survived going in the skimmer, through the pump and being spit out into the bio-falls.  They are tough little guys.

I wonder if we will have another batch this year... never satisfied I guess.


1 comment:

  1. Dang! No time is wasted when it comes to being on your own in the toad world. Their days are our years. I look forward to watching them grow. I'd really like to see a picture of hundreds of little toads taking over the pond world. I like Sci-fi stuff.
