As luck(?) would have it I decided to purchase another lily pad plant and did just that early this afternoon. My granddaughter was over today after school and we recruited her to be the photographer and I would be the pond plant planter with Ginger there for moral support and to hand me the lily plant.
Without further ado, I present the pictures of lily:
With a little luck this stinky mass of muck and roots will grow lily pads to grace the surface to the bridge pond. |
I don my "ectomy" gloves so the stink of the lily mud and muck doesn't stick to my hands. Note, Ginger doesn't care what her hands smell like! She probably washes her hands. ;) |
Get'n down and dirty with the lily. I had removed rocks to make a "bed" for the root mass and then put some rocks on top of it so it wouldn't float to the surface. |
Another successful job completed said the guy with the smurf hands. |
Yea Bronco colors!! And you sure were close to the water surface- don't snort when you're planting. hahaha