Friday, November 19, 2010

What Ever Happened to What’s-his-name?

One or both of my blog fans may have noticed that I’ve been away from the grind of writing about frogs, toads, birds and what other things may pass even close to my mind… sometimes resulting is a grazing wound and sometimes a direct hit.  Usually a complete miss.  Back to the point at hand, what ever happed to what’s-his-name? You know, that really hilarious guy who authors this blog?

Not to worry my fan or other fan.  I’m back.  That’s the good news and the bad news is winter is creap’n in the back door like a drunk husband at 3 in the morning.  Quietly but not that quietly.  The point being is we all know that with short days and freezing temperatures the only pond news worth a read is usually a disaster of some sort.

I’m just going to make a few administrative announcements here and then I’ll retire to silly computer games.

The guy who owned the local pond store, The Lily Pad, has gone out of business.  I’m really sorry to see him go as he was a straight shooter for the most part although a bit over priced.  On the other hand, I do feel some blame on his going out of business.  That would be all the free pumps I’ve got from him.  Until my current pump none have lasted more than about 12 months.  When you buy a pump with a 2 year replacement warranty you expect those pumps to last 2 years and 1 day.  The ones I got didn’t last half that time and so I got a new pump every year… that can’t be good for business.  My current pump is just over a year old and I’m getting nervous that it will last the 2 years and 1 day and thus recoup all lost money in one fell swoop.  He also would be jumping for joy to know that the 10,000/hour pump has not moved this winter and may be dead but I haven’t drained the skimmer pond to service it… maybe in the spring.  So here’s to you Lily Pad Jim, you’ve been replace by a tattoo parlor.

The other reason I’ve been away is I took a trip to Minnesota.  I know most of you think that is a very small coke or pepsi but it is in fact one of the states of this here United States.  It is the 32nd state and been that since 1858.  A fact you may not be aware of is Minnesota has the northern most land in the US not counting Alaska.  I know you don’t believe that but check it out (Lake of the Woods, MN).

I was in Minnesota as a caregiver for my son who is at the Mayo Clinic for a triple transplant – heart, liver and kidney.  He has not had the transplant yet but we are hopeful that organs will become available (a tragedy for some other family) soon and he will be made whole again.  When this happens he will be the 10th person in the USA to receive this type of transplant.

Upon my return to Colorado to supervise ‘Ol Man Winter’s arrival  I was given the exciting news that a Sharp-shinned Hawk as been making frequent visits to our yard and was observed actually chasing birds into and out of the trees.  I of course missed the action.  Rest assured I’m on watch now and if any hawks made an entrance I will report it in the very blog.

While this post isn’t particularly funny or enlightening and not even a picture it has served it’s purpose to let you know I’m here and back on the job.

Whoohoo y’all

1 comment:

  1. So glad I checked in with your blog. Glad to see you still have the bite to write.
