Monday, February 14, 2011

Hector Lost His Head

Like the little egg head named Humpty Dumpty, Hector also is in need of being put back together.  I'm thinking it will take more than all the Kings horses and all the Kings men to put Hector back together again.  Hector's place in the pond was very close to Humpty Dumpty Falls... maybe some of the bad karma was radiating over to Hector.

On the other hand, some might assume he lost his head due to a bad temper and others jump to conclusions that it's drugs and yet others might just think it's immaturity.  Me... I think it's ice.  No, no not meth, not Immigration and Customs Enforcement (do you need a green card for a Spanish Spitter?), not diamonds.  I'm talking about water in the frozen state... uno, ice.

Take a look at this picture and you will get an idea about what I'm talking about.

My theory or educated guess based on the preliminary autopsy is water got trapped in the major hose artery, that clear thing right down the middle of the bottom picture, and froze.  As ice freezes it expands and easily can crack spitters right down their hose artery.  The second possibilty is the water seeped into a crack and over time enlarged the crack and through numerous freeze thaw cycles finally popped his head off.

I'm ready to move forward with the delicate "head early reattachment procedure," HELP," which will require copious amounts of epoxy and a delicate hand.  I have the epoxy. 

I've also written to the manufacturer/importer with a plea for help and/or advise on the HEL-Procedure.  I suspect their suggestion will be to put Hector out of his misery but how much misery can a spitter be in with his head detached from his body. 

This whole thing just cracks me up... Hector too I guess.

Stay tuned and I'll advise what happened when I administer HELP.


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