My granddaughter was over today and of course we were out back checking on all the creatures. She noticed that there were not any tadpoles in the bridge pond and very few to be seen in any of the other ponds. I wasn't particularly concerned as in previous years the toadpoles had spread throughout the pond (see
this link for example).
Then I got to thinking about it. Even dispersed there were a lot more toadlets in previous years. I've been trying to figure out what was different.
At first I was thinking there was residue of the anti-algae chemical that I put in the pond earlier this year. You know how it is with me... I always worry about these little guys and am the first to blame myself if anything goes wrong. But honestly I couldn't see that as the cause.
The answer came from a comment my granddaughter made... she said the black gold fish sure was fat. And then it dawned on me... this is the first year we have had fish in the pond during the toad procreation period. Do ya think that's it? I thought tadpoles had a bad taste so fish didn't particularly like to eat them.
Wrong thinking apparently! Flawed research a few years ago I guess. From what I've been able to find by researching on the internet (and of course everything your read about on the internet is true) goldfish as well as koi enjoy snacking on the little submarines.
That would certainly explain not finding many pollywog's cruising the waters of the, of late, porn pond. With all the rock and algae plus the ease in which the toad spawn go over the waterfall I would think there is a pretty good chance of some survivors growing up to be next years visitors. I will, of course, have to withdraw my statement about being up to my knees in toads this year.
What a dilemma for a toad daddy. I had no problem with Joe eating birds but feel bad that the goldfish are eating tadpoles. That doesn't make a lot of sense as Ma Nature is going to do her thing and some will survive versus letting the country side be overrun with toads like Australia was overrun with rabbits.
So I'll sit back and let 'Ol Ma N handle this issue. I'll watch the algae grow... it grows faster than corn I can tell ya.
Two steps forward and one step back....