Monday, June 27, 2011

Polly-Wolly-Doodle Not Today

My apology to my Frog Blog Fan for letting things lapse in the update arena for just shy of 20 days.  I have a plethora of excuses and even could come up with some plausible lies for the inattention to this here blog. I won't bore you with platitudes and cliches although that might be fun.

The pond is doing OK.  Just OK.  There are 2 goldfish living in the skimmer pond.  They have been there for quite a while.  I've tried to capture them but they just have too much room to out maneuver me... Ginger and the granddaughter. They will have to swim into the skimmer or will have to call this pond their new home.

In the toadlet arena there is only one report... that is fat goldfish. I was looking for any pollywog's or toadpole, any submarine and came up with zero.  It is inconceivable to me that there aren't a couple of survivors somewhere but if they're there they are well hidden.

The woodhouses toads continue to croak their serenade to the lady toads but even if more eggs were to be laid the goldfish would certainly eat the wogs.

I'm still going to keep my eyes open as I've been fooled before... no fool like an old fool they say.

Stop by tomorrow where I will reveal my string algae eradication tool.

Whoohoo 2 ya...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm so sorry you didn't think I'd love an entire paragraph devoted to cliches. haha Do you prefer frog or fish? Hmmmm... One or the other: bummer. I let the barn swallows move in this year and have now discovered I have no seed eating birdies around. I miss them!! They would come when I called and now all I have are 2 swallows. They will not return next year. Nope. That decision has been made- I prefer my "beep-beeps" to mudders.
