Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Grow'n Faster Than Weeds!

They are grow'n fast. In an effort to show you how fast I took another picture of the gourd trellis from about the same spot as I took last Friday. Keep in mind that Friday was a mere 4 days ago... so much has changed in four days.

This is the picture I posted previously and was taken just last Friday... a mere 4 days ago!
This picture was taken this morning from the same spot as the one above.  Can this be the same trellis? Wowzer!!!

Some of the gourds seem to have taken on their own personality. A few examples below... if you have some names that might be appropriate then leave them in the comments section.
The milky skin of the Albino.
The hour glass figure of the sexy siren.
The wart like bump of the toad gourd.
This one has lots of options. For the blog,
however, I'll just call it the Buddah gourd.
This one has a small head and normal body. I'll
call it the politician gourd.
There you have the latest installment on the fast changing gourd trellis.


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