Friday, September 16, 2011
Fish School Math
In the beginning we had 5 goldfish. Then one disappeared so we had 4. Then there was all this mating activity in the spring but we didn't find any fry. Then we thought we had 3 but it turned out we really had 4 because the black one was so shy, hard to see and also had a good hidy-hole, we just kept missing him.
Then the fish started to make their way out of the bridge pond and wound up in the skimmer pond. Then they would wind up in the skimmer and I would return them to the bridge pond.
EXCEPT for one.
The one we call Glow would not venture into the skimmer nor could we catch him with a net. We finally quit trying and left the poor lonely guy in peace. I checked on him from time to time to make sure he hadn't changed his mind and swam into the skimmer.
Then two days ago I thought I saw two fish in the skimmer pond! I figured one of the fish from the bridge pond had gone over the waterfalls to the skimmer pond. Good. That would give Glow a little company for a while.
And then I saw 3 fish in the bridge pond. So 3 fish in one pond and 2 in the other is 5 fish. We only have 4! Well, I know they can't jump the falls... they aren't salmon you know. I talked it over with Ginger and we decided I was seeing things... maybe the infamous rock fish or it might have been a figment of my imagination... I was just nuts maybe... take your pick.
And finally I know the answer. I saw them all right after lunch today. There are 3 fish in the bridge pond and 3 fish (maybe more) in the skimmer pond. Apparently there was a bit of joy with all that mating going on and a few fish lived long enough to get big enough to not get eaten.
And they all lived happily ever after.
THE END (and whoohoo!!!)
P.S. The new ones are about 3 or 4 inches long now. I'm looking forward to a closer look at 'em to see their markings and introduce myself. Maybe next spring.
Lucky you Dad, I think its great you have new memebers to your family. I can't wait to hear what their names are. Maybe that is why that one guy didn't want to leave. She had little ones to look after.
Funny funny funny story.