Sunday, April 29, 2012

1 Hatched 3 to GO!

I stumbled into my computer room not totally awake but excited because it's Sunday and I had calculated this was the day things would start happening at the Finch residence.

I peeked around the various towels and mats hanging under the window shade to find Mr. Finch just standing next to the nest. He wasn't trying to feed his bride and she wasn't asking for food... very strange behavior I thought. A quick thought of the Wizard of Oz came to mind... "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"  I told Ginger that I think something must have happened because they exhibited behavior I had not seen in the past.

I fired up the computer so I could enable the webcam. No sooner did I get things going when Mrs. Finch revealed her first-born.

Needless to say everyone at the Red Tail Ridge Home for Two 'Ol Pharts was just atwitter... so tiny, so fragile looking... ahhhhhh.

Just when we were thinking we had seen the best the finch family had to offer they presented us with more action. Watching Mr. Finch look at the baby is just adorable... I can almost see love hearts in his eye.  The new baby can only hold it's head up for so long and then crash.  Ahh geez, I think I'm getting carried away...

Now if the video's aren't enough gee-whiz for you on this fine sunny day at Red Tail Ridge... I was able to snap this picture of the new arrival.

Only hours old. You can double click on this picture to view the original size to get a closer look.
OH Man Oh Man... Whoohoo!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Whoo-hoo!!! Gosh, you'll be busy now always running to peak how your babies are doing. This is great!
