Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Egg #4

Whoopee, we have Egg #4, I wonder if there will be any more (your poem for the day:)!

Egg #4 was clearly seen by yours truly this morning. She must have produced it during the night as there was very little sunlight when I spied all four as she turned the eggs.

Mrs. Finch, a fine feathered friend, is now dozing in her nest. An eye slowly opens, then the other and then they close again. She was on her nest all night, I think.  I checked on her about 2 in the morning and she was saw'n logs.  She was there just before sunrise too.  I'm think'n all that egg production takes a lot of energy from such a tiny creature.

About 9 this morning Mr. Finch came by and offered food.  Mrs. Finch was all atwitter and in her zeal she almost knocked one of the eggs out of the nest.

The following video was taken after the feeding and you can see the egg situated near the top edge of the nest. It took a while for her to move it back down into the "cradle."

The next video was taken yesterday, Tuesday. The video starts almost immediately after Mr. Finch arrived but I wasn't fast enough on the mouse to get the video started to see him approach the nest. This, however, is a good indication of how long he sticks around feeding his bride, just add about 2 seconds.

It doesn't seem like she is getting much food to this observer.

1 comment:

  1. At least he lets her take the food instead of jamming his beak down her throat. So, 4 eggs... I was wrong about 3. I hope they all make it. I'm feeling all atwitter about this. The videos make it exciting!!
