Sunday, April 22, 2012

Enough of the Bird Already

I was thinking it's time for a little change of blog pace. There are other things going on out back besides lay'n eggs and editing video. I took my camera and snapped a few pictures to show y'all how things are coming along.  It's a dynamic time of year and it just gets me excited to watch things change so fast.

Ginger is just finishing planting the gourd seeds. You remember the
 gourd trellis from last year? This year it's going to be bigger and
better 'cuz we've done this before. Note the smurf hands :)

This picture goes with previous pictures I've posted earlier this spring.
The purpose of the picture is to show the difference just a  few weeks can make.
Do ya think that purple ash on the left will ever turn green. Must have missed
the memo about a early spring.

Same as above.

This is Alejandro  F. doing his chore of topping off the skimmer pond. I just love the way it works without flaws
year after year.  You may remember when s/he got her makeover... that was fun.

The water lilies are coming back bigger than last year. They will turn green.  If you look
really close at the base of the farthest lilies in between the two large rocks is a dash of
orange.  That, my friends is Gleem, one of our gold fish... she is hiding.

Our raised garden. It's starting to fill out and there are some surprise plants coming back that were not
supposed to live through the winter. That's like finding an onion ring in your french fries. Cool!

Here we have the blooms on our chives.  When no one is watching I pull
one of the blooms off, just now and then, and eat it. Better than dandelions.
I just love the color.

OK, I admit it... I couldn't post something on my blog without mentioning the current/recent focus of this blog, the
finch nest with eggs.  The nest is between the trellis and window.   I was thinking you might enjoy a different perspective.  Also, this is our pot trellis. The trellis will fill out in the coming months. 
That's it for now. Hope your having a great weekend and enjoying this wonderful weather.



  1. Onion ring in your french fries. Yes! I love when that happens. I think your backyard is wonderful. There is so much to look at. Yea for spring and summer to beautify your space.

  2. What a wonderful visit to your yard Ginger and Jim. So glad you are going to do the gourd trellis again this year it was fun last year. What happened to the gourds you stashed in the garage at the end of the season?
    A fun blog. Too bad they don't give prizes!
