Saturday, April 7, 2012

Housing for the Birds

Do you remember the project last year where I was improving the french drain in the backyard? It was the post where I came across the huge salamander... no? Well, if you like click HERE and you can read the post.

What I'm working up to is there was a bunch of 4 inch PVC pipe fittings that were destined for the trash and I had an epiphany... Oh it so exciting to have one of those at my age. I decided to take one of the fittings and along with an old coffee filter (plastic and wire) make a bird nest the little creatures would just flock to possess.

So I cut the PVC and inserted the coffee filter securing everything to the trellis outside my computer room, man cave, closet, office thing.

I can sit at my computer and see the future home of sparrows or maybe humming birds. I have no idea who will be my first tenants but I would bet the odds are on the sparrows.

The reason I'm telling you about this now?  Just this morning we had a showing. The prospective tenants came over and tried it out.  The lady sparrow got in the filter and nestled around and then jumped out and then back in.  I thought she was going to wear herself out jumping in and out of the thing.  Her eyes were darting about as the potential father of her chicks stayed close... no doubt trying to get an idea if this was something that caught her fancy.

They did a few coming and goings and are currently in the gone phase. Maybe they rejected it.

In the mean time all the bird houses on the fence are occupied. These of course have a roof and 4 walls so I get more in rent for them.

I sure hope this housing venture sells...


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