Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Better Late Than Never
4 Eggs Laid 4 Hatched

YES!!! Egg 4 has hatched... what? Me worry? I think it happed in the dark of night.

This morning I was up and at 'em early and I'm glad.  It turned out I got some pretty neat video of Mr. and Mrs. Finch. They are feeding their brood, cleaning the nest and removing the shell of chick #4.  The video is a little long, about 3 1/2 minutes but it shows lots of stuff.

I snapped the following pictures this morning. The chicks rise to the presence of mom and/or dad but don't seem to notice the camera poking it's lens into their nest.

Ms. Finch caught me with my camera stuck in her nest and was not happy with my behavior.  I apologized and beat a hasty retreat to the safety behind my Wizard of Oz curtain.

Just when I was about to snap a picture of the chicks mom returned and it took me about 3 minutes to slowly step
away from the window and lower the blind. I did get away without frightening our chick mama.

There are really 4 chicks in this mass of fuzz
The chicks are changing and I hope I'm able to catch some of these changes in a photo so I can share it with my fan. I'll stay after it... you can bet on it.

I sure hope y'all are enjoying this as much as I am.



  1. That was a great video- lots of things to see: dad feeding a baby, dad cleaning up mom's mess on her beak (it's difficult to always be beautiful when you have so much responsibility), and to see mom take the egg shell away. I wonder how far she goes before she drops the evidence of tasty little birdies. Great capture of the egg cleaning- I've never seen that before. And look how fast their feathers are coming out!! A change every day.

  2. It is not a good idea to piss off a Mom.. I remember Bandit (our cat) had gotten some babby birds.. All the robins set up a patrol around our house. When he went outside they all started making a racket and dived bombed him. This lasted for a few weeks. He didn't get out that much, his own decision. This could happen to you, so be careful..

  3. That's what I just said in the newest blog, Kirk. I guess I should review other people's comments before I write.
