Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Look Gertrude... An 8 Legged Toad.

Now here is something you don't see everyday, an 8 legged toad.  Can you believe this?   Was radiation the cause?  Maybe there is something in the water.  Probably global warming (have to ask Al Gore).  I just can't imagine what could possibly cause the Woodhouse's Toad to have 8 legs.

WAIT!  After close study and consultation with knowledgeable, but not quite ready for "Jeopardy" friends, I may have an answer concerning the multi-legs.  Yep, I think I've got it.  I'll just post the picture.  Please study it closely.  There are indeed 8 legs although you can't see them all in this picture.  I think the thing that gave it away was when I counted the eyes.  Four eyes and not wearing glasses.  It's so obvious... I'm sure y'all have it all figured out now.

OK, moving right along.  While the picture is not one of my best it clearly shows these Woodhouse's Toads creating more toadlets.  As they watch the sun peek around some clouds the two "strings" of eggs are being fertilized as they exit Mama Toad.  You can just sense the excitement this couple is experiencing by looking at the picture.

When I first noticed these lovers I accidentally spooked them and they swam down into the depths of the Bridge Pond.  The smaller toad, the male, must have a good grip as they moved like one creature or maybe it's synchronous swimmers.

About 30 minutes after taking this picture I went out to see what was going on.  They were both submerged but maintaining the same configuration.  There were strings of eggs all over this area of the pond.  I would estimate at least twice as many eggs this time around than when reported the first time here on May 16, 2009.

I try really hard not to count my toadlets before they hatch but the begging question is what is going to happen when all these toadlets grow up?  We're talking about serious over crowding here.  I'll be keeping my eyes open.

I'm curious and if your also curious then just keep read'n this Frog Blog.

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