Thursday, June 11, 2009

Snake Sighting II

On Monday last we saw another snake.  This one was by the fence in the backyard and headed to the detention area on the east side of the house.  I got a quick look at it and believe it to be a Coachwhip Snake.

The snake was a light tan color all over except for the belly which was yellow.  It was without noticeable stripes or markings of any kind.  It's scales looked smooth and the tail narrowed to a point.  I would estimate the length at around 30+ inches and the thickness of the body to be, more or less, a 1/2 inch.

My Granddaughter wanted to search for the snake so we all went to the detention area to see what we could see.  She found the snake hiding under some 6 X 6 treated lumber that is used as a short retaining wall between my property and the detention area.  To our surprise also hiding under the lumber was a Woodhouse's Toad.  Snake and toad crammed together to escape the huge 2 legged predators... us.

We were recently at the science museum that we are lucky to have in Grand Junction.  One of the exhibits was a Milk Snake.  It was very pretty but according to the young lady exhibiting the snake it was grumpy as it was about to shed it's skin.

We sure seem to have a diverse cast of characters in our ongoing circus.

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