Monday, June 1, 2009

Pollywog Update

It was May 11th that I saw the toad egg strings. Then it was May 16th that we sighted all these little toadlet's swimming around. In the days that followed it was evident there were thousands of these creatures that resembled giant sperm.  They were everywhere.  Not long after that we saw some toadlet's in No-Name Pond and marveled at their tenacity just to survive the trip through the pump and pipe, through and across the Bio Falls only to end up in the fast moving water of No-Name Pond.  From there most would be swept over the falls to Bridge Pond completing their circumnavigation of the pond.

These events started just 16 days ago.  The pollywog population has diminished to the point were you have to sit and watch just to spot one.  As a Toad Daddy I have to wonder where have all my children gone? 

I still am holding out for a few to grow into sizable toadlet's, possibly one to morph into a toad and somehow escaping the watchful eyes of Joe.  It is an uphill battle and if won by only a single toadlet I will consider that to be another miracle from Mother Nature.

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