Friday, June 5, 2009

Woody's are Back!

I was surprised to hear the Woodhouse's Toads singing their screechy song for the past 2 nights.  While they are certainly welcome I thought they had left because of Joe's arrival.  Guess it ain't so.

I've read the American Bullfrog doesn't get along with others very well and will consume just about anything it can get into it's mouth.  This would include other amphibians as well as birds, mice, insects... you name it.

I can't explain Woody's return.  I hope the toads make more toadlet's.

Speaking of the toadlet's.  I've been watching for them and find that there are actually quite a few still around.  They seem to have become aware of and afraid of shadows.  They dive to the bottom of the pond when they see my shadow.  I find if I approach so my shadow doesn't cross the water I can observe them or I can sit still awhile then I'll see them swimming from here to there.  Cool.  Makes this Toad Daddy rest easier knowing some of the kids are doing OK.

They have grown.  They are still a black oval with a short tail.  The largest is about 1/2 inch in length and the head about as wide as a #2 pencil.  My granddaughter and I caught a few in a jar about a week ago and checked them out.  They have a small mouth that I would describe as "puckered" as in it looks like the are going to kiss you.  Just 2 eyes and the small mouth on this little black oval.

When they get bigger I'll work at getting a photo to publish on this blog.

Stay tuned for introductions to the "B-52."

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