Saturday, July 18, 2009

Algae Lives for July and August

The summer heat is upon us like it was July or August.  I remember one 110 degree plus day in Las Vegas when I was riding with my nephew in his beat-up 'ol station wagon.  His AC didn't work... in fact there were a lot of things in that car that didn't work.  Anyway, it was hot and there was no AC and I said to my nephew, "How can you stand driving around in this heat without AC?"  His reply, "Uncle Jimmy, it can only get so hot and then that's all it is... just hot.  It doesn't make any difference if it's 105 or 115 it's just HOT.  So I don't worry about it." 

So I guess it's just HOT here in river city.  I worried about it a few years but nothing changed so I don't worry about it.  That's how it is around her in July and August.

The heat and sun (they do go together don't they) have warmed the pond to the point were the algae has turned the water a dark color.  In addition, the string algae is growing like weeds.  We see this every year for about 6 or 8 weeks,some years worse than others, and then it starts to cool and the days get a bit shorter.  Then the water starts to clear until next July/August.

I guess the water isn't good enough to keep the Woody's around.  I reported they were here 3 nights in a row and then appeared to have left.  I was wrong.  They were back a couple of times but didn't stay long.  I would hear them sing a short song and then all was quiet.

I had hopes for another batch of toadlets but I realize that is probably not going to happen.  It's just too late in the year to start a toad family.  So I'll hold out for the off chance that Joe will bless us with an August return.

In the meantime I'm taking it slow and venturing out only when the temperature is below about 95... unless my wife makes me go outside for something.

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