Thursday, July 16, 2009

We're UP ~ We're Down ~ Woody's Gone

The Woody's were here long enough to give me hope and get me out of the funk of losing all the toadlet's.  They stayed around for 3 nights.  There were at least two of them sing'n their tunes but we never saw them.  The pond has been silent the last couple of nights so I think they have moved on.  It is late in the season to be making toadpoles.

Still no sign of Joe.  To alleviate some of the sudden withdrawal from seeing Joe every day, on Wednesday,  Ginger and I, lead by our Granddaughter, headed out to the Botanical Gardens.  They have a really nice pond with lots of fish, lilly pads, anacharis grass and bull frogs.  They even have a turtle.  The turtle was pretty shy and took a dive when we arrived and never exposed itself enough for us to identify it.

The bullfrogs were different looking than Joe.  Joe was darker and the pattern on Joe's skin was not as pronounced as the frogs we observed on Wednesday.  They were of good size but not as big as Joe.  I first thought they might be green frogs but I'm now pretty sure they were bullfrogs.  I regret I didn't take my camera.  I did consider grab'n one and bringing it home with me but fought that urge.  Didn't want to go to jail for frog-napping.

In Joe's absence the birds are having a grand time playing in the waterfalls and hang'n next to the water.  The daytime temperatures are nearing 100 now and I think the birds like the refreshment of taking a quick bath.

The Humming Birds have been visiting the sweet water more often.  In years past that usually happens when they prepare to migrate south for the winter.  We have also noted that some of our plants are getting tinges of fall colors.  All this is too early we think so have to assume it will be an early winter.  It certainly has been a wet spring and summer.

That's what's going on in pondville.  Nothing exciting... sometimes things just go like that.

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