Sunday, July 12, 2009

Fake Rock ~ Moving Along

I know all you Frog Blog Readers are on pins and needles waiting to hear the latest on the Fake Rock Camouflage Exercise. Here is the latest.

Saturday morning I mixed more mortar and started slapping it to the lathe. You know, the more I do this the easier it gets. There is a knack to putting down the mortar.  It seems you "throw" the "mud" versus placing it and it goes along much easier.

Anyway, I put down the mortar, pressed more rocks into it and then the small gravel into that and stepped away from the platform.

I still have to hide the edges of the platform. Then find some appropriate rocks to place around the platform to, hopefully, blend in with the fake rock. Once complete it will only appear to be a fake rock if you look at it.

Can anyone define a "chunkini?"