Friday, July 31, 2009

A Proud Toad Daddy ~ With Pictures!!!

On Thursday when Ginger told me she was going to water the pot trellis I jumped up, grabbed my camera and assumed the position assigned me the previous day.  With the zoom already set and tested on a flower I was ready for the little guy to jump right out there like he did on Wednesday.

Ginger started to water.  I watched.  Ginger watered.  I watched and waited.  Ginger watered.  I watched, waited and fiddled with the camera.  Ginger watered.  I gave it up.  No toad sighting this Thursday.

Friday.  Once again I assumed the assigned position for toad watching.  This time the little guy jumped right out from under some plants.  I was armed with my trusty digital camera.  As soon as I attempted to take the first picture the little guy jumped and was gone.  I was left with a rather nice picture of a flower but no baby toad pictures.

I risked the wrath of the position gods and moved closer.  I reached out and moved a plant to peer around it's base.  There he was... but I was too close to take his picture.  I handed the camera to Ginger and asked her to give it a try.  She didn't have her glasses on.

Ginger handed the camera back to me and reached toward the plant to hold it back so I could move away and take the picture.  As soon as I moved our baby once again jumped and was gone.

Humph.  I stepped back and Ginger grabbed the hose and started to water again.  Immediately she saw movement and pointed.  TARGET IDENTIFIED!

I took a picture.  I took a few more.  The toad moved.  I saw where it went.  I took more pictures.  So here are the best two pictures.  If you like you can click on the pictures to see the full sized version.

It's hard to discern this little guys actual size from these images.  At the most he is 1 1/4 inches long.  If I had to buy it a suit I would get something smaller than a Tinker Bell size.

If you look closely at the left picture you can see a dark tube just above and to the right of the baby toad.  This is a 1/4 inch driper hose... maybe that will help with the perspective.

This ex-toadlet is doing just fine in the feeding department and looks very healthy.  I imagine it will spend the winter in/near the pot trellis area.  Maybe even sing'n a tune next spring

1 comment:

  1. Is that a leaf on his leg or a green toad boo-boo. How exciting!! Janine
