Saturday, August 1, 2009

Real Rock to Hide Fake Rock

When I was a youngster, way back when frogs had tails and ruled the world, my mother bought a Chinese bar. It was hand carved and painted gold, red and black with some Chinese writing on it. It even came with some old empty bottles and a musty smell.

What drew my mother to purchase the thing is unknown to me. I think it may have been pretty much unknown to everyone actually. My mom took a whole bunch of teasing and harassment about the thing over the course of her years.  My mom's first name was Olive and the bar became known as "Olive's Folly."

Fast forward to the present time. I'm beginning to think there is a genetic link between my mom's Chinese bar and my fake rock. I suspect I may have paid more for the fake rock and supporting items than my mom paid for the bar even if you adjust for inflation between now and when frogs had tails and ruled the world.

So with this inherited "folly" syndrome once again surfacing to take over what most would call rational judgment, I set out to camouflage the fake rock by putting real rocks around it.  I'm not sure that's even logical but if it were then maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't be a folly.

This past week I went to the rock yard with the intention of purchasing some granite stones to use in the FRCF (Fake Rock Camouflage Folly). I picked up 4 rocks. One was kinda heavy and I needed both hands to lift it, the other 3 I picked up with one hand. When I went to pay for them the weight was 120 pounds and that was $17 and change! I bought them. Geez, I live in the rocky mountains for cry'n out loud and here I paid $17 for 4 smallish rocks.

I've surely lost my mind.

I placed my 4 professional granite rocks in front of the fake rock. It helps but I think I need more granite rocks.

The next granite rocks will be amateurs as professional rocks quickly priced themselves out of my league.

Do you think there is a relationship between "folly" and "folicle challenged?"

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