Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Alejandro F.'s Prostate is Making a Mess

As promised in the initial post about Alejandro F.'s prostate problem (click here to view) updates would be posted to this blog.  So here we are once again talking about that nasty prostate belonging to the once unknown spitter from Lowe's, Alejandro F.

I must apologize for taking so long to update everyone about this problem.  I know all of you have been on pins and needles.  While I take full responsibility for the delay I do have extenuating circumstances that were well within my physical control but apparently I wasn't up to the challenge mentally.

Of course I could blame the string algae but that seems so petty.  I'll just say if it wasn't for the string algae we would have been aware of Alejandro F.'s problem a lot sooner. 

Here is what happened:  Following Alejandro's hosectomy and reinsertion of the male receptacle into the female hose I didn't have an opportunity to actually see Alejandro doing what he was designed to do; that is, fill the pond. 

I was so enthused about being outside and the fair weather I decided I should also try to poison the string algae.  I wanted to do this before the spring pond creatures arrived because I hate poisoning the pond creatures.  So I blocked the overflow and pulled the plug on the pump.  After the water settled in each pond I added the carefully measured amount of Cutrine Algaecide to the bridge pond.  It wasn't until the next evening that I re-plugged the pump. 

Fast forward a couple of days.  The pond is starting to look like it's getting low in the water arena.  By the next day I'm sure there is something wrong with Alejandro F. 

I grabbed my kneeling pad and started to troubleshoot the lack of spit going into the pond.  I checked the hose and all connections to the valves... nothing.  Checked the breaker for the power... OK.  Then I checked the controller and saw that the display was blank!  I was sure the controller had died.  I decided to pull it out and order a new one and when I went to unplug it I found the problem... yep, it was unplugged.  Tsk, Tsk, Tsk 'ol Proctologist wannabe.  Ya know, sometimes it's the simplest things that slip under the radar.  I must have accidentally pulled the plug when I unplugged the pump.

So with Alejandro powered up I noticed that evening, while we were eating dinner, that he was working diligently at filling the pond... I didn't, however, look to see if he was leaking.... after all I was feed'n my face... a man has his priorities you know.

I'm somewhat ashamed to admit that it was at least a couple of days later when I noticed that when Alejandro F. was "working" he was also leaving an even bigger puddle than he was prior to his initial hosectomy.

I can tell you the problem appears to be a severe case of holey hose where it connects to Alejandro F.'s sticky-outie hose inserter deal.  Must have used a little bit too much heat.

So as soon as I return from the Tea Party Rally tomorrow I'll get right on the hosectomy... unless it rains or I forget.

Stay tuned... You'll hear about it at this very blog.

1 comment:

  1. Please don't tell me I am getting "old eyes" or cannot read this font well- on the first line does it actually say "dick here to view?" HAHA If in fact it does then once again you are my witty hero! Also, I knew you would be at the rally and I was actually looking for you on the news footage last night. Sorry there wasn't a glimpse of you. J9
