Monday, April 12, 2010

A Couple of Old Friends Dropped In

It was May of 2009, as I recollect, when Daddy Duck and Mama Mallard first stopped by for a visit (posted here).  Their last visit, until now, was later in 2009 when I was cleaning out the skimmer pond, bent over and shoveling muck.  Just about the time I stood up was when they were about 10 feet from landing in Joe's Pond.  My sudden appearance scared the bejesus out of 'em and we never saw them again until just this morning.

They inspected the Bridge Pond, Joe's Pond and the Skimmer Pond before returning to the bridge pond for a refreshing bath and splash.  They took a leisurely swim around and then it was time to move on.

It was nice to renew an old aquantience... they were looking fit and ready for make'n more ducklings. 

If you recall (you have to read the blog to recall) it was this Mallard couple that prompted me to solve the age old question:  What came first, the duck or the egg.

Checking out the Skimmer Pond

Daddy Duck in Joe's Pond

Mama Mallard on Joe's Falls washing her feet (Warm hands, cold
heart, dirty feet, no sweetheart) ;-)


  1. Be kind to your fine feathered friends... for they may want to return to kind to your friends in the pond... for which they are always you may think that this is the end...well, it is. Did you sing? J9

  2. I just love that diddy, haven't sung it in a while. Thanks for the memory ::-)
