Saturday, April 10, 2010

Just When You Thought It Was Safe

I am sorry to report that Alejandro F. hasn't seen the last of his "ectomies."  That's right ladies and gentlemen, the boy is leak'n all over his rock again.  For sure it isn't his fault but, none-the-less, that rock be very wet before Alejandro F. has just more than started his pond filling duties.

While I haven't decided on a specific remedy, it seems obvious that the basic hosectomy hasn't "cut it," so to speak.  I'm seriously considering a rather radical procedure this next time around. 

Can you say "transplant" boys and girls?  I'm thinking it's going to have to be something different than the twice tried hosectomy and the transplant was the first to come to mind.  Second thing on my mind is a modified hosectomy.

First the Modified Hosectomy (M.H.P.) idea:  This would be a procedure where I would take what I call a transition hose with a 1/2 inch inside diameter, insert that onto Alejandro F.'s sticky outie thing and then use a reducer to bridge the 1/2 inch diameter hose down to a 3/8 friendly connection which just happens to be the size of the plastic tubing. 

Of course the only issue I can think of that might be a show stopper for this procedure is the availability of the reducer.  I'm sure they make a size increaser from 3/8 to 1/2 inch but don't know if I can find a reducer from 1/2 inch to 3/8 inch.  You can be assured I will leave no stone unturned in my search for the reducer.

Now the Transplant Procedure idea:  The transplant procedure will require me to remove Alejandro F.'s sticky outie thing and a.) alter it to accept a 3/8 inch plastic tube or b.) replace it with a similar thingie that will work.  Not an elegant solution but one does not always know what options they will have to deliver an acceptable outcome.

I'll have to refer to the FSPM once again to see if the "modified hosectomy" is covered.  I expect I'll have to search the internet for a FSTPM (Frog Spitter Transplant Procedure Manual) if the M.H.P. reducer isn't available.

I'm currently on light duty as a result of some minor surgery to my hand so it will probably be a few days before anything of note happens.

Of course you can read about it in this very Frog Blog... soon. 



  1. Have you condidered a sex change operation and just make this spitter a female? You could crudely cut off exterior, jam in the water supply (douching?), and caulk (HAHAHAHA) the surrounding seams. Perhaps this guy has just been gender confused and you're not understanding its language. J9

  2. So, Just because I'm getting a Triple transplant, you think your going to start getting into the program. hahaha..Good luck on the Sex change. Maybe it's time to get a friend for him. Love ya
