Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lip~Lips... The Sign of Spring

There is no better sign of spring than when the lip-lips practically leap from the ground.  It is amazing how fast these colorful beauties appear and before you know it they are gone.  As the short lived lip-lip petals peel out from their buds it's like a call to the wind gods to crank-it-up.  When I was a youngster there used to be a saying about "March winds and April showers."  Where I'm living now that saying should read "March winds and April winds blow harder."  Each year some lip-lips lose their petals to the steely wind... a wind that would be called a gale or even a hurricane on the ocean shore.  So far the petals have hung on with only minor damage.  Since their days are numbered I thought I would share just a few pictures of the spring show-offs I call lip-lips.


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