Thursday, April 22, 2010

Pot Trellis Replanted and Beautiful

I love it when a plan comes together.  When I built the pot trellis, my first and only so far, it was a complete success.  I introduced the pot trellis last year (click here to see that post).



We have also planted flowers, ground cover and various vines in the ground under the pot trellis.  The vines we hope will eventually grow and cover some of the yellow trellis but for some reason we have black thumbs when it comes to growing vines.  The flowers and ground cover will be a haven for this years batch of toads when they transition from legless toadlets to miniature clones of their parents.

I'm excited just thinking about it.

Stay tuned for some pictures of the lip-lips that are just beautiful too.

I hope my my friend Over-the-hill-Teri got around to building her pot trellis so we can compare.


1 comment:

  1. That yellow sure is vibrant! Seeing those pictures made me a bit jealous. I just came in from shaking snow and ice off my lilac bush that was imitating ground cover. J9
