Friday, July 30, 2010

Summer Big & Summer Small

During my inspection of the Fleet today I noted that some of the toadlets are much smaller than others.  If I didn't know better I would think there has been a little undetected hanky-panky going on in the pond.  I have no idea why they aren't all the same size or at least close... maybe my eyes are going fast in my old age and what I'm seeing are snails... naw, snails don't have little legs and tails and propel these guys around the pond like a bunch of black sperm in search of the prize.  I'm going to chalk it up to another of Mother Nature's tricks. 

I saw one Typhoon Class Submarine look'n guy with legs about 1/2 inch long and a head comparable to the size of my pinkie (if you have no idea what the size of my pinkie is then come on over and take a look).  The little ones are about half-pinkie size.  The typhoon class guys are in the majority and if your patient you can see a plethora of them in deeper parts of the pond.

It won't be long before we start finding little toads in the flower beds.  I love it when we see them as they are so cute and just miniature adults.  I hope I can get a few pictures of the babies after they start to come ashore from their submarine duty.  Here is a link to some of last years baby pictures.

With August just around the corner the algae is coming on strong.  We need that Woodhouse's Toad couple to come back for another romantic weekend so we will have more algae eaters trying to stay up with August Algae (a wicked green wench).

1 comment:

  1. I think you need to get a mermaid sculpture for your pond that will slowly gain a beautiful green flowing dress by the end of summer. She can be the green wench.
