Monday, July 26, 2010

Teeny Tiny Toes

The toadpoles are growing almost as fast as the algae.  I was eye-balling the fleet today and thought I saw the beginnings of their hind legs.  It was difficult to tell as the water is getting murky and the toadlets are afraid of anything that moves.  I finally captured one in a mason jar and got an up-close and personal view of the appendage area.  Sure enough there are itsy-bitsy-teeny-weenie legs growing.  I mean to tell you these legs are really small but there is no doubt they are legs.

These toadlets were just new eggs on July 9, only 17 days ago.  With the growth of legs they also start changing in many other areas.  Their mouths will start to change from round to that wide grin that toads and frogs are known.  They will change their insides to be able to digest bugs and such versus only eating algae and detritus now.  Their lungs will develop and they will slowly loose their gills.  There are so many changes going on with these guys it's amazing.  Amazing about the changes and amazing about how fast they come about.

Love this mother nature stuff.


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