For starters it is the state amphibian for the 34th state... as in Kansas. Now if that doesn't impress you here is a bit more information about the tiger salamander:
The tiger salamander is the largest land-dwelling salamander in the world! The (barred) tiger salamander typically grows to 6 - 8 1/2 inches but has been measured as long as 14 inches. They are also long-lived with estimates that they may live for 20 years. What's not so obvious is that they have only four toes on their front feet and five toes on their back feet.
It is hard to see in this picture which is why I posted it. Who would think yellow and black is hard to see? |
Tiger salamanders have a fascinating and adaptable life process. Typically, tiger salamander larvae feed and grow during the spring and early summer and metamorphose two to five months after hatching. However, some populations never metamorphose. If the water system where they live is permanent and the environment surrounding this water system is dry and inhospitable, they may retain gills and a wide tail fin, crucial larval characteristics that allow them to live underwater. These salamanders mature in the water and even are able to mate and reproduce, although they maintain the body of an immature salamander. This process is called neoteny. Other tiger salamanders, in response to the seasonal drying out of their aquatic habitat, must be able to metamorphose on demand. They even may metamorphose if they are removed from water and handled temporarily.
Those tiger salamanders that are lucky enough to breed, either as terrestrial or aquatic salamanders, usually do so in late winter, but breeding may take place whenever there is enough moisture. Once the female has attached her egg masses to underwater debris in temporary pools, she has nothing more to do with them. They hatch three to five weeks later, depending on water temperature.
The tiger salamander ranges from central Nebraska to northeastern Mexico. They are distributed throughout Texas except for the eastern quarter.
You are really a trooper if you've managed to stay with me after all the "facts" about this "new to me" amphibian.
The tiger salamander ranges from central Nebraska to northeastern Mexico. They are distributed throughout Texas except for the eastern quarter.
You are really a trooper if you've managed to stay with me after all the "facts" about this "new to me" amphibian.
Now the rest of the story... what we found in the pipe on Friday morning:
Nothing! Apparently in the dark of night the tiger salamander decided it was better to beat a hasty retreat and fight another day than to stay with a decimated den. That guy is no where to be found.
Wow, that was an exciting find.
Thanks to Wikipedia and Google in getting the info on the tiger salamander
1 comment:
YEA!! Who cares if others have seen one? It's exciting when YOU see one. Glad for you.
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