Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lets Build a Bird Nest
Part 2

Mrs. House Finch has been very, very busy. She has responsibility for building the nest and the male doesn't contribute much. I have seen him bring a strand of grass and some of my chair cushion to the nest but he doesn't bring much and doesn't do it often. While the female dances around the nest and fritters about the male usually parks himself on another trellis about 5 feet away and keeps a lookout. Where she goes he is right on her tail... so to speak.

I did see them mating yesterday right in front of God and everyone... no modesty, no propriety and certainly no regard for the politically correct, parochial, view of sex. I thought they both liked it and was please they didn't feel the need for a smoke afterword... a deadly habit don't 'cha know. I regret I didn't catch the event via camera to share the moment as well as satisfy any latent voyeurism.

The video I have today was taken this morning. In my minds eye I try to imagine what she is doing with her feet/legs. Sometimes I think she is stomping on the nesting material and other times I think it's more like combing the nest material with toes and mini-talons. So many questions and so few answers.

Note: On my computer this video does not enlarge when
the fullscreen option is clicked. If you like, you can watch
it on YouTube by clicking on the word "Tube" in the lower
right corner.

It is quite fun to watch the development of the nest and we are looking forward to eggs and chicks.

Still no sign of the interloper... must have given it up.



  1. So your into finch porn. Is it simulair to monkey porn? Its a good thing you didn't get the video, do you know how old that finch is.. check their license first. lol..

  2. So your into finch porn. Is it simulair to monkey porn? Its a good thing you didn't get the video, do you know how old that finch is.. check their license first. lol..

  3. So your into finch porn. Is it simulair to monkey porn? Its a good thing you didn't get the video, do you know how old that finch is.. check their license first. lol..
