Monday, April 9, 2012

Webcam Bird Watching

My latest trick! I've taken my web cam and, with the help of some Velcro, attached it to the window blind aimed at the current item of interest, The House Finches Making a Nest.

The following video shows the beginning of courtship as mentioned in the previous post.

I've made two video's this morning. The one below shows the female finch building her nest (sans the hard hat). She is so busy measuring things with her wings and stomping around... she will finally sit, but only for a second, just long enough see if things are just right. Of course they must not be as she then repeats the whole repertoire of nest building activities and then off to find more materials.

No sighting of the interloper so far this morning.

I think this is going to be fun. Hope you enjoy these little snippets that are also going on in a nest near you.



  1. I am all caught up on your blog and I must say it is very exciting!! I'm thrilled to hear there is something new to watch and the videos are terrific! I think backyard observations are the best. I've enjoyed the bird and nest blogs very much.

  2. Excellent footage! Shame about the sparrow being a no show. Perhaps he/she is off training for the sparrow vs. finch deathmatch!
