Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Gourd Teaser

We're not even close to having much to show with the gourd trellis.  I thought it would be a nice gesture to share a few pictures of the, someday it will be exciting, gourd trellis.  To that end I present a picture of a baby gourd.

Here's one of Gourd Daddies little babies:

These little gals are two-toned.  When they are really small (new) they are upside down
compared to how you are accustomed to seeing them. Did you know there are male flowers
and female flowers?  The males contribute pollen, bees and similar creatures transport the
pollen to the female flower and then that magic thing happens and babies are created. Without
all three participants there will be no gourds.

OK, I got carried away and had to show you two pictures.  What can I say... I'm just another proud Gourd Daddy.

This little guy is about 10 days older than her little sister above.  As the temperatures
rise the gourds grow faster.  It's going to be an exciting fall at our gourd trellis.

Are you excited about gourds yet???   Well, maybe when they get bigger and hang down like bells from the trellis.  Come on over and take a look with your own eyes. Yea, that's when you won't be able to contain yourself.  I don't think I can wait that long.....


1 comment:

Janine said...

You grew gourds! It excites me to see earthy stuff grow that I had a hand in. I would be thrilled to watch the gourds get bigger every day. Fabulous!! I was excited to see it and I didn't even grow it.