Saturday, June 16, 2012

My Last Frog Blog Entry

I've decided to retire my Frog Blog. It seems to this blogger that I'm starting to repeat myself entirely too much. There are only so many yard creatures, pond leaks, growing things to write about.

There is a lot of information in this blog if you care to read it in it's entirety or just here and there. The oldest post is August of 2008 and this, of course, is the latest. If you care to comment on anything I will see it and respond if you ask for a response.

This blog has been a fun thing. I may start another sometime if I find something that interests me to blog about.

TTFN ~ Jim

Since my last post I've traveled a few thousand miles. A little over 2 weeks ago I jumped in my truck and headed for Oklahoma via Kansas. The trip is about 14 hours one way so I split it into a 2 day trip going and coming. I visited my good buddy Dick who recently moved to Oklahoma City, with his daughter, from Corpus Christi. I helped him get settled and took care of a bunch of "honey-do's" for him. He's 82. Had a great time and plan a return trip in the fall.

When I got home I was amazed at all the changes that have happened in just a couple of weeks.

  1. The algae in the pond grew like kids, like grass, like weeds, like the national debt. Holy Crap Batman, it was out of control. I'm working every day for an hour or so to get it in control.
  2. Some toadpoles are large! There will be little toads running around outside the pond soon.
  3. The screeching Woodhouse's Toads are still mating as late as this morning.... do they ever tire?
  4. The gourds are putting out their little twisty-hang-on-tendrils now so they should start climbing the trellis soon.
  5. Ants! They were in our flower pots, the raised garden, in some trees, in some bushes and so thick in places you dare not stand around for long. I'm an ant killer and they should be scared and flee.
  6. A new pair of House Finch's have built a nest outside my computer room window. I'll not bore you with a repeat of all the coverage like we had earlier this spring... same event, different players.  The first couple built a neater nest.  Already the neighborhood is going downhill.
  7. We got a swing for the backyard. I love to swing in a nice breeze.
I found a toad this morning that was in timeout. I don't know what s/he did to be sent to the corner but I did get a picture of him... makes me smile.

It's always nice to be home and I'll get some pictures going pretty soon...


1 comment:

Janine said...

That's the difference between owning and renting- things just aren't quite as neat if you don't own it. (nest) I am thrilled you get to watch it again though. Terrific! Have you seen fb Toni and her frog issues at work? Yikes! The bad boy corner toad seems innocent compared to where she finds them. I'm glad you're back and cleaning up the declining landscape. I guess things really do fall apart if you don't stay on top of things. I heard you're having insect infestations over there- I guess the ants prove that news story.