Saturday, May 26, 2012

Whitecaps in the Bird Bath

I have no idea why the air is in such a hurry to get from back there to over yonder. This rush results in what we commonly refer to as wind. For the second day straight we have high winds and so much dirt in the air you can't even see the mountains. 

Our poor trees and flowers are having a hard time also. While none of our trees have blown over there has been a lot of leaves blown off or just shredded. In the flower arena the blossoms for some have also blown away.  Lots of wind damage over the past couple of days.

On the right of center you may notice some match stick looking things. That is what is left of these lily's
when the wind blows away the flower petals and stamens.

Our vase tree is crying "UNCLE!"

A casualty from the purple ash tree... lots of these around the yard. 

Left is the pear tree and to it's right is the purple ash

Pampas grass looks like a pair of motor cycle riders at 70 mph. 

The frame for my stained glass split releasing 2 panes :(

I'll clean up the mess when the wind quits and replace the
broken frame and glass. 


Janine said...

We had some wind yesterday too, but all it brought was smoke from the southern fires. It sure made the air colors pretty- that tinged orange. I like your grass photo- crazy hair for sure. And isn't this the second time the stained glass has broken? Bummer for sure. Now if only you had planted a backyard of roses, then it would look all romantic once the wind died down and you could charge brides to marry in your backyard... no flower petal girls needed since mother nature did the scattering.

Jim said...

I like your idea of some roses behind the pergola. I'll submit the request to the boss.

Your also correct the stained glass creation broke last year. It broke different in that last year the frame just fell apart, this year the frame split and the bolt holding the hanging wire pulled out. I don't think wood working is my forte.

Forte or not I fixed it this morning and we are now sporting a couple of new stained glass panes.

The winds on Saturday were gusting to OVER 75 mph. At least the roof held together!